When you buy insurance, you are buying a promise to pay. When a claim occurs, this is when we have the opportunity to deliver on that promise. We view the claims process as our “shop window” and our highly experienced claims team provide you with total support throughout the life of a claim. Let us take the strain by making it easy for you to insure and to recover from an incident.
We use our expert knowledge to ensure your business is properly insured. Most people are aware of the perils of under-insurance, but we see it as our responsibility in arranging insurance to ensure this never happens.
When you work with Hamilton Leigh, you will be assigned your own dedicated Account Executive who will manage your queries, review policies and answer any questions you may have. We operate on the basis of getting to know our clients and their individual insurance requirements.
By combining our knowledge, experience and market intelligence with an ability to access a wide range of specialist insurers, we ensure your world is properly protected with a bespoke insurance solution crafted to your individual risk profiles.